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“Two Hundreds”? Governor sees “huge success” in the instrument that protected Novo Banco and that he designed while minister

“Two Hundreds”? Governor sees “huge success” in the instrument that protected Novo Banco and that he designed while minister

Financial system

Mário Centeno, Governor of the Bank of Portugal, at the hearing in the AR
Mário Centeno, Governor of the Bank of Portugal, at the hearing in the AR

Mário Centeno was called to Parliament to speak about the end of the mechanism that protected Novo Banco and there he defended that it is, “perhaps”, the most “efficient” he knows. Governor admits that it may make sense to review, in the future, the model of contributions to the Resolution Fund

There were some smiles in room 2 of the Assembly of the Republic after Mário Amorim Lopes, from the Liberal Initiative, raised doubts about who he would leave questions to in the Budget, Finance and Public Administration Committee: “I don’t know if it is the former minister who designed the contingent capitalization agreement, or the governor of the Bank of Portugal who regulates compliance with this agreement. If there is a good Centeno and a bad Centeno; if there are two good Centenos; if there are two bad Centenos”.

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