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"The Great Underwater Falls": The Most Dangerous Place in the Ocean Has Been Named

"The Great Underwater Falls": The Most Dangerous Place in the Ocean Has Been Named

The Great Underwater Waterfall Was Considered the Most Dangerous Place in the Ocean

The Great Underwater Waterfall Was Considered the Most Dangerous Place in the Ocean
Denmark Strait

According to the Zen channel "Popular Science", the most dangerous area in the ocean is the Denmark Strait - an underwater waterfall trap

This strait is located between Greenland and Iceland. Its danger is that it is the largest underwater waterfall in the world, the height of which reaches 3.5 km.

The water in this place moves at a tremendous speed, reaching 2 km/h, which creates a powerful current, and all living things that get into it have no chance of getting out, which makes this place mortally dangerous for sea vessels and underwater vehicles.

  • Mikhail Alimov


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