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Oversalting is out of the question! Ideal dry-salted fish according to grandfather's recipe

Oversalting is out of the question! Ideal dry-salted fish according to grandfather's recipe

There are different ways to salt fish, but this is the best of all! I tried dozens of options - from the simplest to the most complicated with the osmosis effect. However, the most reliable was dry salting with grandfather's trick .

πŸ”₯ Why is this method ideal?

  • The fish turns out fatty and rich in flavor.
  • There is no chance of oversalting the product.
  • Does not require soaking.
  • Minimal costs and simplicity of the process.
  • Even beginners won't be able to spoil the fish.

Those who have tried this type of pickling at least once will definitely ask how to repeat it.

  • You will need a sturdy tray with a drawer where excess liquid will drain.
  • It is important that the frame can withstand the weight of the fish and the pressure.
  • To assemble the box, use deciduous wood species (oak, birch, maple). Coniferous boards are not suitable!

  • Drill 8mm diameter holes at the bottom at intervals of 3–5cm.
  • Make a wooden lid - you will need it for the oppression.

  • Rinse the fish thoroughly to remove any mucus or dirt.
  • Place a layer of salt on the bottom of the box.
  • Place the fish in layers: large specimens on the bottom, small ones on top .
  • It is important that the fish is completely covered with salt.

  • Close the box with a lid and install a weight (at least 20 bricks).
  • Why is this important? The pressure does not simply press down on the fish, but also displaces air, evenly salts and compacts the meat .
  • Depending on the size of the fish, salting takes 3–5 weeks .
  • During this time, the product is completely saturated with salt, and any possible microorganisms die.
  • Take it out, shake off the remaining salt – and enjoy!
  • There is no need to soak it – the fish already has the ideal consistency: lightly salted, fatty and dense.

❌ Do not gut the fish! Otherwise, it may become oversalted. ❌ Use only coarse, non-iodized salt – fine or iodized salt spoils the structure of the meat. ❌ Make sure that the fish is completely covered with salt – otherwise, the surface will oxidize and β€œrust” will appear.

❌ Large fish need to be salted longer and additional pressure should be applied to remove excess moisture.

This method has stood the test of time – if you try it, you’ll hardly want to salt fish any other way!

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